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This is what I am working on:

A vague and silent music stops. And it’s clear you’ve had your heart bro- -ken like a record

infinity, axiom of an axiom in set theory which lays down a condition that ensures that the domain of the theory contains a set with infinitely many members. 

– Thomas Mautner, Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy (London: Penguin, 2005)

CFS – Fast Fibres 4

Fast Fibres 3

Previous year’s edition ed Piet Nieuwland and Martin Porter

Call for submissions: Fast Fibres Poetry 4, from Northland.

Editors: Piet Nieuwland and Olivia Macassey.

Wanted: poets from Northland or with a connection to the area.

Please submit 3 poems and a two line bio. Deadline: Friday 16 June 2017. Submissions to fastfibres[at]

What I am working on

In this thirsting night
My bed is a boat, the cat
a smooth black anchor
stone. Adrift under
malevolent stars.

January, 2017

Brief issue 55Issue 55 of brief is appearing in mailboxes around NZ and further afield. I really loved editing this because I got to read so much great stuff. Our next call for papers is here.

Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2017Look for me in: Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 3, 2017, ed Jack Ross. This is a hefty 349 pages of poetry, reviews and essays and it’s also my summer reading for this month. The guest poet is the wonderful Elizabeth Morton.

Brief journal – issue 55

New issue of the journal brief out now!

Brief issue 55

Heaps of fantastic writers: Ivy Alvarez, Aimee-Jane Anderson-O’Connor, Nick Ascroft, Victor Billot, Iain Britton, Isaac Brodie, Brent Cantwell, Stephanie Christie, Mary Cresswell, Brett Cross, Makyla Curtis, William Direen, John Downie, Doc Drumheller, John Geraets, Michael Giacon, Rata Gordon, Dale Johnson, Robert Kempen, Sid Khanzode, Rosalie Liu, Caoimhe McKeogh, joshua morris, Michael Morrisey, Janet Newman, Piet Nieuwland, Andrew Maximillian Niss, Keith Nunes, Vaughan Rapatahana, Sahanika Ratnayake, Jack Ross, Lisa Samuels, Carin Smeaton, Michael Steven, Fiona Stevens, Richard Taylor, Denys Trussell, Richard von Sturmer, E Wen Wong, and Mark Young. Rewiews by Jen Crawford (Holly Painter, O. Macassey). Cover by Matt Kelly.

Brief‘s website is

December, 2016

Landfall 232December already!

What I am reading: Hera Lindsay Bird by Hera Lindsay Bird. Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’s Americanah. My reviews of Fiona Kidman’s latest books are online here and here.

Look for me in: Takahē issue 88, and Landfall issue 232

August, 2016

Fast Fibres 3The latest call for submissions for brief is here.

What I am reading: Mike Johnson, The Angel of Compassion, and the timely, satisfying anthology Three Words: an Anthology of Aotearoa/NZ Women’s Comics ed. Rae Joyce, Sarah Laing and Indira Neville. My review of Roger Horrocks’ book The Song of the Ghost in the Machine is in the current issue of brief, and my review of Thought Horses by Rachel Bush is in the current issue of Takahē.

Look for me in: Fast Fibres 3: Poetry from Northland

Brief journal – issue 54, Love

I am now editing the literary journal brief.

Brief 54 Our new issue, brief 54 – a special issue on Love – is out now, and has tons of great work in it: writing by John Adams, Nick Ascroft, Cassandra Atherton, Stu Bagby, Cassandra Barnett, Iain Britton, Isaac Brodie, Berengaria Burns, Stephanie Christie, Mary Cresswell, Rene Harrison, Ted Jenner,  Robert Kempen, Sid Khanzode, Harvey Molloy, Janet Newman, Piet Nieuwland, Keith Nunes, Sugu Pillay, Vaughan Rapatahana, Sean Redmond, Jack Ross, Carin Smeaton, Ruby Solly, Fiona Stevens, Richard Taylor, Richard von Sturmer,  and Mark Young; art/graphic work by Bill Wolak and Matt Kelly; and reviews of books by Stephanie Christie (reviewed by Michael Onslow-Osbourne) and Roger Horrocks. It also has a selection of poems by the late David Lyndon Brown,

Brief‘s website is at


“To the extent that the body is a wound, the sign is also nothing but a wound. Are we still capable, are we already capable of confronting the wound of the sign, this flaying where sense gets lost? Sense is lost in this pure sense that is also the wound. The wound closes the body. It multiplies its sense, and sense gets lost in it.”

Jean Luc Nancy,  (1994)
‘Corpus’ trans Claudette Sartiliot in Thinking Bodies ed. MacCannell & Zakarin. Stanford: Stanford UP.

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