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Fast Fibres Poetry 6: even more events!

This year there will be a Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day reading at the Butter Factory, a Poetry Popup at the Whangarei library, and an open mic at King’s Theatre Creative up in Kawakawa,:

Poetry in the Cave. Friday 23 August from 6 – 8 pm, Butter Factory Cave, Butter Factory Lane, Whangarei. Free entry.

“Get together with your friends and family to join poets from the newly launched Fast Fibres Poetry Six. Some of Northland’s best, including Piet Nieuwland, Aaron Robertson, Briar Wood, Olivia Macassey, and others will read their unique, engaging and refreshing work. This will be followed by an open mic.”

Fast Fibres Poetry 6 image

POETRY POPUP with Fast Fibres Poetry Six. Saturday 24 August from 10am to 12 midday
Whangarei Library. Free entry.

“Still feeling the poetry vibe? Warm down from Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day on Saturday with our POETRY POPUP at Whangarei Central Library. Please come along to read your own poetry and support Fast Fibres Poetry Six. This event is always great fun with a busy audience of library goers. See you there!”

Fast Fibres 6 at Kings Theatre Creative

Kings Theatre Creative Poetry Open Mic, Sunday 24 August 1 – 3pm, 80 Gillies Street Kawakawa. Entry by koha, all welcome.

“Get together with your family and friends at the fabulous Kings Theatre Creative in Kawakawa to be moved by an afternoon of diverse, compelling and engaging poetry. Join editors Piet Nieuwland and Olivia Macassey along with many poets featured in the freshly launched Fast Fibres Poetry Six. Unleash your creativity and perform your own poetry live at the open mic session.”

Once again, Fast Fibres is selling rather fast: contact Piet Nieuwland for your copy!

Fast Fibres Poetry 6

Fast Fibres 6New anthology out now!

Fast Fibres Poetry Six: from Northland ed. Piet Nieuwland and Olivia Macassey
(Fast Fibres Poetry Collective, 2019)

Featuring: Sarah Angus, Shelley Arlidge, Julia Barber, Michael Botur, Rob Burt, Lyndsay Campbell, Veronica Cleary, Geraldine Craw, Robert Davis, D’Bruce, Daphne de Jong, Murray Edmond, Lola Elvy, Arthur Fairley, Malcolm Ford, John Geraets, Michael Giacon, Mike Gillard, Narine Groome, Vaughan Gunson, Steve Herbert, Aidan-Barrett Howard, Lincoln Jaques, Christel Jeffs, Jac Jenkins, Lynda King, Audrey Lappin, Tracie Lark, Fran Lawrence, Wes Lee, Olivia Macassey, Grahame Maclean, Jack McKerchar, Philip Muir, Piet Nieuwland, Heidi North, Margaret Northey, Denise O’Hagan, June Pitman, Andi Podesta, Martin Porter, Vaughan Rapatahana, Aaron Robertson, Natascha Rodenburg, Ila Selwyn, Greg Shaw, Karen Sidney, Ashlee-Ann Sneller, Suzanne Takiwa, Joanne Tasker, Anne-Marie Te Whiu, Loren Thomas, Vivian Thonger, Mercedes Webb-Pullman, and Briar Wood.

Art: front cover Natascha Rodenburg; back cover Mandy Sunlight.

Launch: Thursday 22 August, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Location: Poets At ONEONESIX, 116 Bank Street Whangarei

To purchase: contact Piet Nieuwland

Write On!Here’s a fun feature in the Northern Advocate by poet and writer John Geraets (whose wonderful selected writing Everything’s Something in Place came out this year), with additional pieces by poets Aaron Robertson, Piet Nieuwland, and me:

“Interesting things are happening in the Whangārei writing scene. Whether public readings, writing and discussion groups or magazines to contribute to, there is much to take part in and a chance to enjoy the company of others” – John Geraets.

“My own practice of writing poetry is one of strange, random compulsions. Although, in general, I don’t think in words (I have to ‘translate’ thoughts from spatial images), the words in my poetry often seem to form by themselves — it’s like being inhabited by poems” – me.

Read online here, or, if you can’t access premium content, here is a pdf from the print edition: Write On! Northern Advocate, Sat August 10


Great Plate, 2019, Quarry Arts Centre

Olivia Macassey great plate 2019

Glazed ceramic, 27 cm.

Much-loved creative arts community Quarry Arts Centre in Whangarei is running its annual Great Plate fundraiser.  It’s a really amazing, fun event in which artists are invited to create or decorate a plate. The results are well worth checking out!

Plates are exhibited in the Yvonne Rust Gallery from Friday 12 July until Saturday 27 July. They are also auctioned on Trademe.
This year I have a plate in Great Plates – ceramic with a poem in glaze applied by calligraphy brush and glaze pencil.


I was alive
when the world was full
of life: a dance of animals
and plants, insects and seasons. I
remember the delicate skin of frogs
& the humming geography of bees.
I was alive when the earth was
alive.   It was so beautiful
I wish you could have
seen it.

Call for Submissions: Fast Fibres 6, ed. Piet Nieuwland and Olivia Macassey

Managing editor Piet Nieuwland has once again invited me to co-edit Fast Fibres poetry from Northland. This is a great little anthology, and this year we are supported by Creative Communities, which is great! So please send poems to by June 14.

Ngā Kupu Waikato: An anthology of Waikato poetry

Ngā Kupu Waikato: An anthology of Waikato poetryThe new poetry anthology Ngā Kupu Waikato: an Anthology of Waikato Poetry, edited by Vaughan Rapatahana with an introduction by Mark Houlahan (Waikato Press 2019), is out now, with a book launch at Browsers Bookshop, Victoria Street, Hamilton at 4.00 pm on Sunday 31st March. 

The first ever anthology of poems from the Waikato, Ngā Kupu Waikato includes some fantastic work by 40 poets ranging from well-known to new and emerging writers, including  Stephanie Christie, Murray Edmond, Amanda Hunt, Terry Locke, Maris O’Rourke, Bob Orr, Vincent O’Sullivan, essa may ranapiri, Tracey Slaughter, and Loren Thomas.

The Waikato region includes the Coromandel Peninsula, where I’m from, and I am fortunate that two of my poems are included: ‘Home’ and ‘At Kuaotunu’.


and they have dragged the old upright piano out of the hall again,

brought it over to the sandy barren where

my now youthful mother begins to sing the night’s raw crescendo and diminuendo

through jazz to blues, the fiddle player resting his beer on top of the case

from Self Portrait (after Francis Bacon):

movingly associative snail

an intestinal grey smudging my face

and telling you my incomprehensible symptoms

Almost all great works are destroyed by a complication of natures, that which is beneficial in one respect being hurtful in another; so that herein there is need of an accurate judg-ment and a discreet practice. And this I have done, as far as the matter allows and I can at present devise, by separating kindly heats from hurtful, and the things which tend to both.

– Francis Bacon, History of Life and Death (1638)

Otoliths issue 51

Otoliths 51

I’m really excited to be in the latest issue of Otoliths, Otoliths issue 51  (editor Mark Young) along with a host of wonderful writers and artists. Otoliths is one of my go-to reads but it’s the first time I’ve had work in it myself. One of the pieces, ‘The death of Sylvain’, is from a series I’ve been working on for a while now, and previous poems from the same series appeared in brief 40 (ed Ted Jenner) and 48 (ed Brett Cross). And it’s especially meaningful for me that ‘Elegy for Jill Chan’, written in memory of a wonderful poet and writer, who died earlier this year, was selected.

(My four poems are located here).

brief journal – issue 56

Brief issue 56

Brief issue 56 – cover by Matt Kelly

After a long wait brief issue 56 came out recently, much to everyone’s excitement!  I know I am biased (having edited it) but there really is a lot of wonderful writing in this issue, as well as vispo, paintings, and reviews. Editing brief takes time, but spending time in its strange world is always a pleasure because of the quality – and quantity – of interesting work that comes our way.

Writers include John Adams, Nick Ascroft, Iain Britton, Nicholas Butler, Brent Cantwell, Jill Chan, Stephanie Christie, Makyla Curtis, John Downie (who has some amazing paintings), Doc Drumheller, Norman Franke, Jasmine Gallagher, Michael Giacon, Joy Holley, Mark Houlahan, Erik Kennedy, Rhiannon Leddra, Bronwyn Lloyd, Caoimhe McKeogh, Piet Nieuwland, Keith Nunes, Sarah Penwarden, Chris Pigott, Sugu Pillay, essa may ranapiri, Vaughan Rapatahana, Sahanika Ratnayake, Jack Ross, Lisa Samuels, Erena Shingade, Carin Smeaton, Fiona Stevens, Chris Stewart, David Taylor, Richard Taylor, Loren Thomas, Richard von Sturmer, and Mark Young.

Available from certain bookshops (if your favourite cool bookshop doesn’t have it, you can ask them to order it) or via brief‘s website.

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